It's Been A While.....

It's been a while....

Since I've gone and fucked things up just like i always do
It's been a while....But all that shit seems to disappear when i'm with you

...aaron lewis is far from the most stunning lyricist ever but that's my attempt at a segue to a little summary of what i've been up to lately...

1) Parenting

....that pretty much sums it has been a relatively tame month....well actually i had a little trip out to nanaimo and spent a weekend in vancovuer where i had a lot of beverages and ended up wearing a gas mask one evening and getting questioned by the police as to why i was wearing said mask and where exactly my pants were....i remember doing some karaoke later on that night...the next day i was at a band practice with some complete strangers who apparently saw my schtik (figuratively and literally) that night and enlisted me to join their in addition to the same old some old, i guess i almost got thrown in the tank and joined a band this month....yawn....and then just 2 nights ago i was at a typical Calgary Stampede industry type know the ones where you drink triples, see double and act like you're single??? (for non-residents just Google Calgary Stampede Parties and you'll figure it out)... well anyways, it's about 11:30pm and there are a bunch of people at the table with me, some of whom I know and some whom i've never met....well this cougar-esque lassie comes up to me and starts with the idle chit chat and is awful friendly and touchy feely, so of course this makes me think that once again i have been targeted as a hot commodity in the room full of flesh...that's when she tells me she is 2 years from retirement at her job.........WITF?!?!?!?  not only do i get hit on by homosexuals, but now sexagenarians and old age pensioners as well?!?!?.....only one more demographic and i'll have hit the tri-facta.....
oh yeah....i almost forgot, i've gotten in the habit of sending inappropriate drunken texts to B.@.D. at all hours of the night...i have a suspicion that he may be saving the texts and editing them slightly for content with the intent of posting them, so in advance i will apologize to anyone that may or may not be the topic of one of these texts....stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

The problem is, you take away pretty much any ammo I would ever have and post it yourself. So you don't have too much to worry about.

Anonymous said...

GP DYLF!!! welcome back

Anonymous said...

i want a bach recap from dylf hahaha

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh Dylf. How I missed your ramblings.

Anonymous said...

I think Dylf needs to do a DylfCap lol

Anonymous said...

Any chance BAD or someone could follow Dylf around with a camera when he starts to get lit up?

Anonymous said...

those chijcks are hot!

Anonymous said...

I want a full group Bach recap

Anonymous said...

gp dylf!

Anonymous said...

gp dylf lol

Anonymous said...

hahahahhaa GP

Anonymous said...

missed you dylf ;)

Anonymous said...

i think we need a post with these texts!!!

Anonymous said...

i second that.