The other day i suggested to B@D that perhaps we get some kind of tally going on the blog showing how many gold medals Australia wins vs Canada at the current Commonwealth Games. Within 24 hours i was happy to withdraw my support for said idea. I like to think i'm a bit proud of being Australian. I like to think that we are competitive in an international sporing arena. That was until there was not one, but two, incidents at the games which have embarrassed me totally.
First comes wrestler Hassene Fkiri. Hassene, competing for Australia was wrestling the gold medal decider. Half way through, while in the winning position, he looked to the judges and gave them the finger. This caused instant disqualification = 1 x lost Gold Medal for himself, and Australia. Hassene was not sent home, he was forced to personally apologise to the judges and his team mates.
Apparently cyclist Shane Perkins did not get the memo. While riding in his semi final (as a favorite for gold medal) he was cited for dangerous riding causing an accident and then sent to the back of the queue. In turn he turned to the judges, raised 2 fingers and said 'fuck you' not once but twice. This caused instant disqualification = 1 x possible medal lost, many embarrassed Australians.
This has now interested me to wonder what people from other nationalities perceive Australian's to be like. Stereo-typing or not, i'm interested. Perhaps Dylf has had 'interactions' with Aussie's?
What are your thoughts on us?
But just in case you ARE interested in a medal tally:
Australia - 64 Gold, 145 medals total
Canada - 23 Gold, 68 medals total
My favorite Aussie Stereotype:
Cute little blond lifty, with a hot little accent. Over here for a work term ;)
oh - and GP ozi
Is that a real medal tally? How about the uS?
I only know one person very well who is from Australia. He can be a bit of an asshole, he likes to tell people what to do, he is stuborn, a little sexist and sometimes way too honest... BUT he is a good person, I know he respects me, and I actually kinda like those qualities about him. People say things like "He's from Australia, what do you expect?" So there definitely are some stereotypes. Another one is a half crazy, over-enthused crocodile/shark man.
*Homer voice*
SHARK BOY!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha interesting Jade, i can definitely see how some Aussie guys can have those qualities - there are alot of loud-mouthed, arrogant assholes here, i think the beaches do that to alot of guys...
B-Rush - not too sure about your perception, there certainly are alot of hot little blondes here, i guess the beach culture promotes that too...
beach culture? in Australia? why dont you release another terorrist?
i am also confused
You asked how others perceive Aussies, and B-Rush's first thought is, "mm... cute lifty" ;)
For those who hate winter sports, lifty is a generic term for "ski lift operator"
Oh right :) Have you seen that MTV show Peak Season? That's how i picture your ski lifestyle in Canada
I was confused about this:
Anonymous said...
beach culture? in Australia? why dont you release another terorrist?
I am STILL confused about that too Jader - WTF??
B-Rush's Googlefu is strong today:
Well done B-Rush... that's odd though... surely there are more offensive things Australia has done than that but whatever floats your boat i guess Anonymous...
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