- Drivers who did not indicate
- The parent whose kid seemed to scream for no reason, you walk away but you left them near ME!
- Person who talked at me for 15 minutes about the dress they bought and couldn't return while i plainly made a face that said 'I don't care 1% about this story'
- Stupid guy at Hudson's who managed to burn the milk AND the coffee in my latte this morning
- The telemarketer who called to offer me a new credit card and snapped at me when i said i was not interested
- The babysitter who wasn't watching her kid press every button in the elevator on the way to the 10th floor
Yep, so i'm having a bad day. There are many reasons for this, top of the list is that i have a feeling i am coming down with a cold or some other highly annoying and pointless affliction. Lower down on the list of things that have just plain pissed me off today are:
GP but... couldnt you just hit "restart later"?
hahaha GP - sometimes it makes you restart or it gives you 5 minutes. restarting is so fuckign irritating
bonus weekend post! gp
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