....so i'm pretty confident that B.@.D. is actually a dog who has taken over the body of his former master and is spearheading a secret plot across the globe to take over the world kind of like that cheesy shitty movie from about 10 years ago....he isn't a sinister or manly type of dog like Cujo, but more like a fluffy terrier type like Benji....as proof, here is trascript from a recent conversation that makes it pretty clear....
"Hey B.@.D., do you think when you are in the office tomorrow you can grab me a couple of those comp tickets that we always used to get for those events? Me and the missus want to go next week."
"Mmmkay....can you call and remind me?"
"Isn't that what i just did?"
"Well, kinda...I guess, but can you still call me?"
"Why can't you just write down a note to remember yourself?"
Slurping noise..."MMM....kinda busy right now...."
"Your licking your nuts right now, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I'm licking my nuts."
"Forget it...goodbye."
.....pretty obvious shit right there.....plus he's been know to rub up against peoples legs and spend an inordinant amount of times at dog parks....
"Who's a good doggie B.@.D.?"
"Ruff, ruff, ruff!!!"
"Not in my eye again!!! Stupid mutt..."
OMG - lol
OMFG is more like it
hahahahaahhahahahha GP Dylf
ahhhh i missed dylf posts
i want to know where you guys worked lol
i was hoping for Bachelorette, but this is a more than acceptable substitute
Dylf, you are mentally ill. But we love you.
wheres the obligatory BAD comment?!?!
you know whats tough on Dylf posts? figuring out what to say. hahaha
When in doubt, I usually go with:
point taken.
... gp
you better not piss of bachelorette fans again, BAD. i emailed you about this. there are some very pissed off people reading this.
GP Dylf
uh... what?
gp dylf! wierd last comment.....
love and kisses Dylf lol
hahaha *slurp slurp* doesnt everyone???
hahahahahaha i fucking love Dylf's posts the most. It's just so random and wierd. You know that conversation was probably real until the slurping part.
in the eye is the worst.
I'm not sure what that Bachelorette thing was about. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing said commenters reaction though.
He or she sounds even more entertaining than some of the others we've had.
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