The times are a changin'

This post has been inspired by husband's 16 year old step-sister. My frustration with her (and many others her age) has been building and building for many, many months and i'm really going to vent about the issue in general. Now, again, this could just be an Aussie thing but i really think it could be a more wide spread issue.

Thanks to Facebook, (really Facebook, THANKS) i have the pleasure of reading/seeing what she gets up to every day. My problem with her, and her friends, and plenty of other 16 year old girls out there is their lack of self respect. Groups i have seen her join recently include:

I love sex in the morning

Goin out Drinkin

Girls are magic, they can get wet without water

Drinking makes school more exciting

Mas*urbating on a plane

I've also seen status updates such as:

click like if you've kissed me

click like if you've fu*ked me

i'm soooooooooooo sober :(

me and **** are the shit at pole dancing

Now, it was only 11 years ago i was 16 myself. It was probably my most favorite teenage year. It seemed like there was always something going on, and pushing the boundaries was constantly thrilling. I skipped school, lost my virginity, got drunk at parties, and drove my mother a bit crazy with my sarcasm, we were the 'in crowd' at highschool and acted like we could walk on water. I guess the difference i feel between then and now is that we always had class and prided ourselves on keeping all abovementioned activities private. We dressed kind of preppy, and realised that leaving things to the imagination garnered more attention than posting photos where panties and bra are clearly visable on Facebook. We hid our drinking from the world as we knew we would get our butts kicked if our parents got wind of anything. Not posting how trashed we are on Facebook for our parents to see and comment. We would giggle amongst girlfriends about who we had kissed or even slept with, but it wasn't something we openly discussed with guys - as opposed to the above group where the click if you've kissed me ran to 58 people. I'm sure some were just smart asses.

I remember when i was 16 and my mother would tell me that i would look back and be embarrassed of the way i behaved back then, and i remember at the time not having a care in the world or worry that i would. I do look back and think of some things i did to make my mother mad were really mean of me, but i don't look back and wish i hadn't of posted a photo of me in a bikini sitting on a toilet on Facebook like someone else i know might.

I feel so old writing about this, but i think teenagers forget - once those things are written, posted and published on Facebook no one will forget them about you - and what happens when you're married with kids and your husband looks back on it all? Will you be embarrassed then? Or is the plan to never grow up? The least you can do is work on having some more self-respect...

That is all.



Anonymous said...

Pregnant if she's lucky.

BD said...


Anonymous said...

gp ozi, thats priceless

think of getting a reality show cam on her!!!!

Anonymous said...

gp Ozi & BAD

Mizzle said...

B.@.D likes his women how he likes his whiskey... 12 years old and mixed up with coke.

Kelann said...

ZING! @ Mizzle

GP Ozi. And no, your summary sums up the majority of teenage girls in this country too.

Although the question comes up if the Facebook highlights are all true, or if she is looking for acceptance with her friends?

High school never really evolves... just the colours of the animals change :)

Anonymous said...

gp ozi and bad!

Anonymous said...

GP Ozi. You should find out what the mixed cocktail of STD's is that she has.

Anonymous said...


Jaderberri said...

GP Ozi- I totally agree and I've seen similar stuff posted with "adults" in their 20's too. What about the way these girls are dressing? I go to a high school for work once a week and am shocked at some of what I see. A friend of mine drives calgary transit and he has seen girls giving oral in the back of the bus on several occasions. gross

Mary and Craig said...

Maybe i'll keep updating on her life from time to time, there is definitely enough ammo on her facebook page to write dozens of articles!

Unfortunately, the way she seems to photo document every stupid activity she does means she walks the talk.

As for STD's interesting - it would be kinda good for her to get one and then settle the f*ck down!!

BD said...

Syphilis is the least painful. Uh, that's what Dylf told me anyway...

Anonymous said...

gp ozi! post us a pic hahaha

Anonymous said...
