Hope everyone behaved while I was gone. Nice to see that no one broke anything at least - well, no one except for Dylf, who I've decided to blame for somehow managing to inexplicably pork the comment board into nonexistnace.
Y'see, here's what I think happened. He wrote that lovely two-liner "Money", then realized that he sounded like a retard on acid. He THEN decided he should disable the comments, should anyone... y'know, point that out. He THEN did... well, something. Whatever that "something" was brought down the entire thing. At least, this is the theory I've decided to run with, and I would fake fire him like I did that audacious B-Rush, but that's the sort of joke that could grow stale we're I to overutilize it.
How the holy fuck was he able to put the dick to the comment board anyways, you might ask? It's not like he has admin priveleges on here, you say? I'll tell you how. Dylf's picture is so offensive that it actually PRODUCES electromagnetism. And in putting it on the internet I unknowinly unleashed a plague more damaging than that "pants on the ground" bullshit. Actually, no... Dylf HIMSELF is so offensive that he produces electromaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH fuck...
... ALL RIGHT. Fine. I admit it. I'm not mad AT Dylf, I'm mad because Dylf decided to wish the place that was, until last week, our joint place of employment, the best of luck in our future endeavors. (No, I'm not talking about internet skullduggery like this, I'm talking about our ACTUAL jobs.) I worked with Dylf for a few years, and it was a lot of fun, especially this last year, and I'm going to miss it. There. I said it. That being said, certainly this was the best move for him, and I'm happy for him.
I DO stand by this statement though: I hope his new employer is aware of the effect he has on computers. If I we're them I'd give him a calculator taped to the top of an abacus and tell him not to fuck it up. And I hope that they like listening to his music which sounds like two rhinos angrily banging it out in a steel refineraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH fuck... I'm doing it again!
Sorry Dylf. Need to refocus and put the pain behind me. Thanks for teaching me a lot - and I'm not just talking about all the anal jokes (although admittedly that did make up a good 90% of it.) You'll be missed.
I DID have to crawl up the site's ass to figure out how to fix whatever was done. How and ever, it seems to be fixed now, and fortunately, we didn't lose any of the comments that we're already up. (Yeah, I would HATE to lose comments like "OMG BRUSH didnt agreee with BAD I WONDR IF BAD WIL FLAME HIM LOLZ". Trolls.)
Yeah, fuck Dylf. I hope he overdoses soon.
gahahahaha - nice
Judging by that picture, I'd say he OD'd on Cialis.
hahaha - i love BADS writing
hahaha i hope he overdoses soon
...i can't helps it if i gots me the priapism....
um... what
hahaha i thought that comment on brushes post was wierd too.
haha - 'trolls' - love it
hahaha i thought that comment on brushes post was wierd too.
haha - 'trolls' - love it
i cant tell if that remark was sarcastic or not
Glad you're back BigBossMan, it's funny though...
How convenient that the comments go down as YOU'RE leaving for a vacation though... Also convenient the fact that admin rights are left to somebody who's name starts with a B and ends with an @D huh?
I think you shut them off because you thought we couldn't take care of the hecklers in your absence!
Handling the hecklers is about as difficult as underwater fire prevention.
Didn't I fire you?
commenting alone is kind of pointless. i think the value is in the traffic.
Yea, you did..... but Ozi gave me a key to the building. I'll be around for awhile yet.
oh my. our b.a.d must been in a bad mood when they wrote this.
You took my key!? :P
i dont get it. did DYLF quit?
nooooooooooo. Dylf and BAD used to work together. The Prince works there too.
Priapism means "raging boner".
"The Prince works there too."
Hardly.....more like shows up at a pre-determined time....usually 15 minutes late...and leaves right after B@D leaves...so as to not look bad leaving early...
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