B-Rush’s Season (more than likely) Ender

Weeeelllll… with the season winding down – I thought I should get another post up here.
So I’ll say it before anyone else does…

What a cluster-$*%& in the comments yesterday…

Don’t Feed the Trolls

Wait? WHY!?! It’s so much FUN! I want to see them run amok, rummaging and pillaging the village! As if we’ve fed and watered a whole pack of Mogwai. And then, just as the village is almost raped and pillaged to death, a tornado strikes, carrying all the little gremlins away to a magical land of oz where they get to rape and pillage their to their little hearts content. Then, when they meet those flying monkey guys, they stop. Realize what fun they’ve had is nothing compared to the sudden feeling of tight pants, and live happily ever after – as the flying monkeys repeatedly have their way with them.

Okay then, that was… odd. Just kinda… got carried away with myself there….

Seriously though, there is only ONE reason why these people do what they do… It’s because they simply enjoy stirring up shit! But guess what? I think everyone had fun on yesterday’s comment board. It was just too entertaining.
But seriously, keep it up! It’s funny as shit!

I realized something – news which reeks of raw EPICNESS

If this year (2010), is like last year (2009) – then I’ll be skiing again in FOUR MONTHS!!! Count ‘em with me!
  • July 23 to Aug 23 = 1
  • Aug 23 to Sept 23 = 2
  • Sept 23 to Oct 23 = 3
  • Oct 23 to Nov 23 = 4
Shtick yea!

Oh great and mighty Ullr – Please don’t muck with us this year! It’s allowed to snow after January too! It IS acceptable! Really really for true! No foolin’ either!

Yeah Yeah – “it’s summer, shut up about snow!” – I get it all the time. But for me, skiing is one of those things, I have to do it. There are 2 places I can go where ALL problems of the world just don’t exist (or at the very least, don’t matter); one of them is simply spending quality time with my wife – but the other, that energizing, relaxing, euphoric, beautiful mountain. When I’m sliding down the side of it – nothing else matters.

Hmm…. What should I wrap this up with?

Somebody commented on my last post asking if I had wedding photos. Yes. I do. Thanks for asking. If you want to see them, and actually know me – feel free to contact me, they’re not going up here though.
mmm… yeah, I can’t really think of anything else to say here… so I’ll leave you off with the following:


Anonymous said...

GP brush! nice work yesterday hahaha

B-Rush said...

Huh - that's funny...

looks like there's 200 to me ;)

Anonymous said...

B-Rush.... if I can't have 25+ degrees and sun in summer, you can't have snow in winter. Fair trade....

Mizzle said...

I want B-Rush to hold the record for post count...

Mizzle said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

Hhahaha me too!!! Gp

B-Rush said...

YEah ME! oh,... that was oddly self serving.

Pff +25 in calgary? How about this weekend? 27 and 25/sunny huh?

I don't live here for the heat though.... I live here for those *points west*

Anonymous said...

the weed?

Anonymous said...

looks like you didnt suck your dad off well enough brush he didnt want you posting today

Anonymous said...

LOL wtf @ last comment - yeah buddy you better be careful. you already got fired once this season ;)

Anonymous said...

gp brush - sad the comments are done :( for the most part anyways, looks like you still got a turd hangin around

Anonymous said...

hey brush nice new post guess bad didnt want anyone else reading our comments on the last post hey?

B-Rush said...

Meh - if the comments get out of control I can simply delete them *coughDylfcoughyou'reacockcoughcough*

Mizzle said...

Yeah the trolls are back! This is awesome for our hits.

Can we get over 201?

Mizzle said...

FYI B-rush referenced the last comments... I hope everyone reads them. It's so classy.

Mizzle said...

The trolls died off again.

Anonymous said...

maybe we didnt die off maybe we just got better shit to do hey?

Anonymous said...

B-Rush's a/s/l? Are you going to ask him to cyber or something?

Anonymous said...


looks like most of his or her friends abandoned her, but shes still sticking around. youve got to admire troll's commitment

B-Rush said...

I think I see one of the Octagon Girls with a #2 sign walking around...

whoa.. a/s/l? what the fizzityfuck?
OH! B@D knows... thanks for clearing that up. Are they still on where you mentioned deadmilfs.com? Talk about a one trick pony.

My dog can do more tricks than that! He can beg, and roll over, and sit, and spinroll, and so-on...

Moral of the story? A chihuahua has a higher IQ than these trolls!

Mizzle said...

I have been researching trolls. Stay tuned for my analysis of a pre-req to be a troll.

Mizzle said...

Apparently a troll is like a delicate flower. We must nurture them, to ensure a better chance at life from here on in.

As a group we must accept them into our lives (which we have) and encourage them to be all they can be and find the value in them ($$$) <--- done.

I hope they call us gay some more today, maybe even talk more shit about all of us. That was so fun.

Mizzle said...

B-Rush I want you to get to 200!

Mizzle said...

I've been clicking "Report abuse" all morning, in between articles, and every time I am breaking for editing meetings. How come we can't get this site shut down? I even packed my virtual rubber boots for the flood.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I laughed. Anyone else? Raise your hands.

Anonymous said...

*raises hand*

Dylf said...

stirs proverbial pot......200 here we come....

Anonymous said...

B.@.D said something about B-Rush not setting the traps properly. I think it's his fault.

Anonymous said...

hey DYLF i guess u might not be a limey, thats good, cept your still a canadian who isnt good enough for anythign except to grow pot you sell to us in BC. least your good for somethin but its sure not WRITING

Anonymous said...

YES... i was worried the insanity might go away. NICE WORK BADCREW!!!

Anonymous said...

gp brush! can we still write on that on here? haha

B-Rush said...


They've developed an immunity to the spray though! They're like some kind of hybrid - SUPER TROLL!


Prepare for the SUPER FLOOD!

*starts blowing up a dingy*

Yeah - you sure got that boarder security thing workin huh? Isn't Spanish actually (legitimately, I did read this somewhere) the most common language in the United States?

Dylf said...

looks to me like troll is the official language....

Mizzle said...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry - I have it on good authority that they're gone. They won't bother you guys anymore.

Anonymous said...

what? actually? what happened here? TELL US!!!!

B-Rush said...

You mean....

I wont need the flood insurance I just purchased?

Anonymous said...

hey bad questino - why doesnt the link to the FB site show up on some computers? its annoying. also, are you guys ever gonna do anything with your FB fan page?