Hi there blog friends, i'm back... I wish i could say that there has been a million and one things that i could share with you since we've been on hiatus, but alas that's just not true. My life has been mainstream for the past couple of months. Work, friends, family etc. Glad to be back writing again...
When B.@.D. was entertaining us with sequel analogies he neglected to realise that SATC the movie was not aimed at his demographic, so can i please re-iterate that each of our posts can only reflect the writer of the said article and not the whole crew.
Now with that out of the way, let's get down to business. I am thinking about starting a wager on when Lindsay Lohan will OD. I love to hate this girl. I can't believe anyone could survive for so long in her situation, but i can't tear my eyes away from any articles written on her. She's only 24 years old. I suppose she could hold on for another 3 years. 27 years old is the magic age in Hollywood when most ill-fated stars perish. Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. Ok ok so she's not really in their class, but there were also Jonathan Brandis - he's more on her level. I'm going to put my money on sometime in the next 12 months, i don't think she's got it in her to stick it out for another 3 years. Anyone else want to play the guessing game?
Finally before i sign off - should i bother going out to see Inception before it finishes at the cinema here? Everyone is saying positive things, but is it good enough to go see alone??
Ok, hope you're all well and enjoyed your summer break
When B.@.D. was entertaining us with sequel analogies he neglected to realise that SATC the movie was not aimed at his demographic, so can i please re-iterate that each of our posts can only reflect the writer of the said article and not the whole crew.
Now with that out of the way, let's get down to business. I am thinking about starting a wager on when Lindsay Lohan will OD. I love to hate this girl. I can't believe anyone could survive for so long in her situation, but i can't tear my eyes away from any articles written on her. She's only 24 years old. I suppose she could hold on for another 3 years. 27 years old is the magic age in Hollywood when most ill-fated stars perish. Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. Ok ok so she's not really in their class, but there were also Jonathan Brandis - he's more on her level. I'm going to put my money on sometime in the next 12 months, i don't think she's got it in her to stick it out for another 3 years. Anyone else want to play the guessing game?
Finally before i sign off - should i bother going out to see Inception before it finishes at the cinema here? Everyone is saying positive things, but is it good enough to go see alone??
Ok, hope you're all well and enjoyed your summer break
hi there! gp
i like the new banner. BAD shoudl strip down......
Yes Ozi - definitely go see Inception!!!
And @ Anonymous... I agree, B@D should live his life in pure nakedness.... ;o)
Yes Ozi - definitely go see Inception!!!
And @ Anonymous... I agree, B@D should live his life in pure nakedness.... ;o)
Gp ozi!!! Welcome back from a down under fan
when do the new people start? GP OZI!
Gp Ozi!! Welcome back!
I missed this during my daily web surfing. Welcome back and GP to b@d jader and ozi! Look forward to new talent too :)
gp ozi!
who is the celebegacy on?
gp ozi. welcome back crew. turns out i missed the premiere by 3 days! i thought it was 23rd
Thanks guys :)
Looks like i'll try to fit inception into this weekend i think
GP Ozi, let me know how that movie was!
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